My name is Kemal Kaya. I been traveling full time around the world since 2010. My blog (Being on the Road), inspires readers to break out of their comfort zones and experience everything this wonderful world has to offer via quality travel related content.

Social media has become one of the cornerstones to marketing strategy in the travel industry. My Instagram @yoldaolmak and Facebook Yolda Olmak page are an awesome way to promote destinations and to keep followers chatting about places. After each trip, I am usually busy creating travel tips, photos and videos based guides through blogging that teach travelers how to travel smarter, and more efficiently.

I have been working with tourism boards, airline companies and tourism sector firms in order to promote their destinations or products. and Social Media Profile

  • Monthly Google Analytics Page View : 300K+
  • Total Number of Blog Posts: 1672+
  • Total Number of Blog Comments: 17.296+
  • Age of Blog: 11

* Last update: 5 NOV 2023

Want to know more?

I have had the honor of meeting and working with some amazing companies, both small and large. I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge and understanding of how brands and blogging can work hand in hand to promote a wide variety of products, services and destinations. Here’s just a few of the companies has successfully collaborated with over the years:

Worked With

  • TAV Aero
  • Sunexpress
  • Skyscanner Türkiye
  • Miles and Miles
  • ProntoTour
  • SSC Tur
  • Jolly Tur
  • Trivago
  • Diving: VipScuba (2), Pyramids Diving Center, Dive Point Red Sea
  • Language Schools: Kaplan International, SoEducation, MaltaLingua, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci


Worked With

  • ProntoTour
  • SSC Tur
  • Jolly Tur
  • Tura Turizm
  • TAV Aero
  • Trivago
  • Diving: VipScuba (2), Pyramids Diving Center, Dive Point Red Sea
  • Language Schools: Kaplan International, SoEducation, MaltaLingua, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

Tourism Boards

Worked Tourism Board

Hotel and Resorts


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I am interested in working with destinations, accommodations and brands who understand how valuable influential bloggers can be for their business. My website is a friendly, trustworthy place for our readers. It’s not unusual for readers to email me directly to ask for advice in planning their trips. All of our reviews are honest, and I disclose to our readers if I’ve received discounted or complementary travel or products.

I offer:

Press and Social Media Trips; Need a professional, friendly travel blogger to help promote your destination? I currently accept media trips. I always disclose to our readers if a trip, product or service is sponsored.

Featured Posts; Want your product to reach an interested audience? I retain editorial control of the post, but if you have a great product that I can endorse, and I am a good match, I can let our readers know. I do not allow advertorials.

Product Reviews; Looking for a great review? Reviews are approximately 400-800 words in length, and include back links to your website and social media promotion. Reviews remain permanently in the archives. With a background in sales-marketing and technical experience, I provide educated, savvy reviews of travel and technology products.

Professional Writing and Editing; Want something tailored especially for your publication? I also provide professional writing services, including feature writing, copy writing and technical writing. With over five years experience in professional writing and editing, I deliver polished articles on time and on budget.

Social Media Promotion; Need someone extremely proficient and confident in utilising social media, with great social media connections? I offer a full suite of social media promotion, including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and Google+.

Contests; Need a lot of fun? I love to hold contests and giveaways on our website. Contact us to have your product featured!”

Banner Ads; Looking to be visible to more people? I offer several banner ad areas and placements, including the header, individual page or specific spots in the header or sidebar.

How to make the next step?

If you want to know more please contact me for detailed information and to ask questions. I look forward to working with you.

Kemal Kaya
İzmir, Turkey